• Bhagavan Does All

    I am empty of any inherent doing-nature. I am pure being. All that is done is done by the Lord. I am just a vessel of the infinite. When Christ was praying before his betrayal, he asked that the cup of suffering pass from Him if at all possible. But He concluded His prayer with…

  • On Christianity Pt. 1

    The traditional gospel is supposed to be good news, but if it is true it is bad news for those who are not Christians (most humans who are living and have lived throughout history), and for the significant percentage of professing Christians who are not serious about their faith. What would good news look like?…

  • You Already Have It

    “Keep in mind your goal of freedom, until it dawns on you that you are already free, that freedom is not something in the distant future to be earned with painful efforts, but perennially one’s own, to be used! Liberation is not an acquisition but a matter of courage, the courage to believe that you…

  • God

    By Zach Van Houten It took me a long time to realize that words are labels, and social constructions. As such, they are malleable and fluid. There is no better example of such a word than God. For God is a word with many meanings. It is almost entirely unique to the individual using it.…

  • The Aquarian Dispensation

    By Zach Van Houten The concept of dispensations as it relates to Christian history fascinates me. Merriam-Webster defines dispensation as “a general state or ordering of things” I believe we are entering into a new dispensation spiritually. In terms of Christian theology the Old Covenant could be considered the first dispensation, while the New Covenant…

  • The New Movement of Spirit

    By Zach Van Houten The German philosopher G.W.F. Hegel used the term zeitgeist to describe the movement of Spirit in a given historical era. As opposed to the traditional idea of the Holy Spirit being a purely Christian phenomena, Hegel had in mind a universal, transcendent Spirit. One which manifests itself through culture and society…

  • What Spirit Has Taught Me About Christianity

    By Zach Van Houten As some of you may know, I was a devout, fundamentalist, evangelical Christian up until my early twenties. I grew up in the church, was given a homeschooled, Christian education, and was pretty much kept away from all non-christians. Christianity was all I knew in terms of worldviews. Anything else was…

  • Four Types of Yoga

    Posted something in a Facebook group and received this comment, which I really love. Asked for permission from Nathan Hemingway, the author of it, to edit and post. So this is his comment with some slight editing. 🙏 Thanks again to Nathan for the opportunity to share his knowledge. “This is tangentially related, but in…

  • Ultimate Freedom

    What is control? By control, do we not mean freedom of the will to exert it’s influence over a situation? This controller, the will, is a conditioned phenomenon, subject to the law of cause and effect. So while the will may have a causal function, it is itself also an effect of the causes and…

  • Growth and Enjoyment in Spiritual Life

    Nobody makes us feel anything. Our minds and bodies feel in response to stimuli. Yet we do not blame or criticize our bodies and minds; at least not seriously. All pain originates in the self, and is the collective pain of the universe. This could be called karma. We imagine it originating outside, because pain…

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